Survey Question Formats
Our 360 feedback surveys and employee engagement surveys primarily use a multi-point rating scale and short-answer questions. The structure and format can be customized, however.
With our custom survey tool, your survey can include any combination of the following question formats. If you require a question format that is not listed here, please let us know.
Suggested Uses
- Exit surveys
- Diversity & inclusion
- New hire assessments
- Benefits questionnaires
- Engagement and satisfaction
- Multi-Point Rating (e.g. Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)
- Choose from 2-point rating scale up to 10-point rating scale
- Specify rating labels
- Include/Exclude "Unable to Rate" option
- Low to high or high to low rating label direction
- Semantic Differential
- 5 rating points to 10 rating points
- Specific rating anchors
- Include/Exclude "Unable to Rate"
- 5-point rating with comment box
- Multiple choice
- Select one or select multiple
- Limit number of selections ("Select up to X choices")
- Randomize choices
- Drop-down selection list
- Short answer text box
- Single-line text response
- Numeric values (%,$,etc.)
- Grouped numeric values with a specified total
- Numeric point distribution
Sample "Multi-Point Rating"
Sample "1-5 Rating + Comment"
Sample "Multiple Choice Question"
Available as "Select only one" or "Select all that apply"
Sample "Drop-Down List Question"

Sample "1-5 Rating + Comment"
Sample "Multiple Choice Question"
Available as "Select only one" or "Select all that apply"
Sample "Drop-Down List Question"
Sample "Grouped Number" Questions
Sample "Numeric Values" Questions
Sample "Short Answer Question"

Sample "Numeric Values" Questions

Sample "Short Answer Question"