Case Studies and Success Stories


Name: Insurance Brokerage

Industry: Financial Services

Size: 400 employees

Tenure: Since 2021


"We've used CustomInsight's suggestion box for years and are very satisfied! It's easy to use and their customer service excellent-very responsive and attentive."

- Brittany H.


Online Suggestion Box (Focal BOX™)


This established insurance company (which does not want to reveal their company name) was looking for an easy and trusted way to collect anonymous feedback from their employees. They found CustomInsight's suggestion box both easy to use and flexible, allowed them to set up multiple suggestion boxes with different recipients.


They quickly purchased five different suggestion boxes, one for company-wide feedback and the rest for division/team-specific feedback. Some are used weekly, others bi-weekly and another is used monthly. To make their company a better place to work for all employees, they encourage use at their company-wide meetings and through email. Feedback is replied to by their President and team leaders at company meetings or through email, depending on the nature of the topic. Because it's completely anonymous and easy for employees to use, they have received much more feedback than in the past.


They have used the suggestion box for years and are still very satisfied. They are particularly pleased with the product's ease of use and CustomInsight's customer service, which they have rated as excellent, and described as very responsive and attentive.

They report that morale is better because employees feel their voices and opinions matter. They are also able to tackle challenges early on that they may have not known about without the suggestion boxes.