Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion FAQs

What is a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Survey?

Diversity is about creating a workplace that is comprised of individuals with a variety of different backgrounds and personal characteristics. Types of diversity include gender, race/ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, education, nationality, and other such demographics.

Equity is about ensuring that all individuals receive fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement within an organization. Equity is also about recognizing that advantages and barriers exist and considering the impact of those advantages and barriers at your workplace and on your employees.

Inclusion is about creating an environment where every individual feels valued, respected, supported, and welcome to fully participate as a member of the group.

Our DEI survey helps you measure how your organization is doing in all three of these important areas so you can make improvements where needed.

Why Are Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Important?

People generally agree there is a moral imperative to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion. Now, research shows there is also an economic reason to do so - for better business outcomes. Here are a few examples:

  • Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above their national industry medians, and those in the top quartile for gender diversity are 15% more likely to see greater financial returns, according to the McKinsey report “Diversity Matters.”
  • There is a statistically significant relationship between diversity and innovation. A recent Harvard Business Review study found that companies with above-average total diversity had both 19% higher innovation revenues and 9% higher EBIT margins.
  • Deloitte reported that organizations with inclusive cultures were six times more likely to be innovative and agile, eight times more likely to achieve better business outcomes, and twice as likely to meet or exceed financial targets.

What are the Advantages of CustomInsight's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Survey?

Our questionnaire contains questions that are validated, benchmarked and action oriented. The results are displayed in an interactive dashboard which pinpoints problem areas and reveals the cultural climate at the workplace, or the climate within certain teams in the organization. For greater efficiency and accuracy, you can preload the demographic information for your employees instead of asking employees identifying questions about their demographics.

Are the diversity, equity, and inclusion questions also available in your employee engagement survey?

Yes, some of them are included in our employee engagement questionnaire and others can be added at no extra cost. The DEI analytics can also be included at no extra cost.

Do you offer a debrief of results or additional consulting?

We have designed our interactive dashboard so the DEI results are easy to interpret. We don't include a debrief; however, if you need one, or additional consulting, we'd be glad to discuss options (such as referring you to one of our trusted consulting partners).

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